Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the world's most extensive national lockdown amid the novel coronavirus pandemic Tuesday. India's 1.3 billion — who account for nearly one-fifth of the world's population — will be ordered to remain in their homes for the next three weeks as the country, like the rest of the world, looks to curb the virus' spread."To save India and every Indian, there will be a total ban on venturing out of your homes," he said.The measures aren't necessarily stricter than those imposed in other countries — people will still be able to leave their homes for essential services like groceries and medicine — but the scope is unprecedented because of the massive population.Modi also pledged $2 billion to aid the country's health care system and increase testing. So far, India's confirmed COVID-19 cases remain relatively low at just over 500, but there's a sense that a lack of testing is behind the figure, and there are fears that without protective measures the number could increase rapidly. Read more at CNBC.More stories from Britney Spears calls for wealth redistribution, general strike on Instagram Greta Thunberg says she's recovering from what she believes was 'very likely' a mild case of COVID-19 Tony Award-winning playwright Terrence McNally is now 'the most notable victim' of COVID-19
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