Dozens of undelivered ballots found at Miami-Dade post office with mail backlog

Dozens of undelivered ballots found at Miami-Dade post office with mail backlogSpecial agents with the U.S. Postal Service Office of Inspector General discovered 48 pieces of election mail sitting in a post office in South Miami-Dade County on Friday, the office announced Saturday morning. Forty-two of them were ballots that had not yet been delivered to voters, officials said, while the other six had already been filled out and were brought to the Miami-Dade supervisor of elections Friday night.

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Trump news: President limits rally to 21 minutes after crowds kept out by Covid restrictions

Trump news: President limits rally to 21 minutes after crowds kept out by Covid restrictionsFollow the latest updates

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China destroys domes of famous mosques as cultural whitewash continues

China destroys domes of famous mosques as cultural whitewash continuesChina’s campaign to suppress Islam is accelerating as authorities remove Arab-style onion domes and decorative elements from mosques across the country. Stark changes have been observed at the main mosque in Yinchuan, capital of Ningxia province, where most of China’s Hui ethnic Muslim minority live. The bright green onion-shaped domes and golden minarets that used to soar into the sky atop Nanguan Mosque have all been pulled down. Golden Islamic-style filigree, decorative arches, and Arabic script that before adorned the mosque have also been stripped away. What remains is unrecognisable – a drab, gray, rectangular facility with “Nanguan Mosque” written in Chinese, as shown in photos posted online by Christina Scott, the UK’s deputy head of mission in China, on a recent trip. “TripAdvisor suggested the Nanguan Mosque in Yinchuan well worth a visit,” Ms Scott wrote on Twitter, along with ‘before and after’ photos. “Only this is what it looks now, after ‘renovations.’ Domes, minarets, all gone. No visitors allowed either, of course. So depressing.”

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A high school newspaper has exposed how state police quoted Adolf Hitler and advocated violence in a training manual

A high school newspaper has exposed how state police quoted Adolf Hitler and advocated violence in a training manualThe training manual quotes from Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf, calling for the "perpetually constant and regular employment of violence."

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Zeta's toll on a Louisiana island: 'Like a bomb was dropped'

Zeta's toll on a Louisiana island: 'Like a bomb was dropped'Mark Andollina remembers stinging rain and a howling wind that peeled the roof off part of his Cajun Tide Beach Resort on Grand Isle, the Louisiana barrier island town where residents were among the first to feel the ferocity of Hurricane Zeta. “Because we got the most damage on the island right here, basically in the middle of the island.” “The middle of the island looks like a bomb was dropped,” said Dodie Vegas, who with her husband owns Bridge Side Marina on the west side of the island.

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Cops Pepper-Spray Voters as They March to Polls in NC

Cops Pepper-Spray Voters as They March to Polls in NCGRAHAM, North Carolina—On the final day of early voting in North Carolina, police in Alamance County pepper-sprayed a group of voters who were marching to the polls, leaving demonstrators injured and vomiting in the streets.At least one journalist was arrested in the chaotic showdown on Saturday in Alamance County, a red county but one that may decide which party controls the state legislature next year.About 250 people—most of them Black—were taking part in an event called I Am Change Legacy March to the Polls and on their penultimate stop before visiting a polling place in downtown Graham when cops intervened.Just after several speakers, including Ian Baltutis, mayor of neighboring Burlington, had addressed the crowd, Alamance County sheriff's deputies dressed in camo, gas masks, and tactical gear stood in formation on the steps of the Historic Courthouse behind the stage. They ordered the protesters to disperse, and announced they would begin arresting people.> This story was reported in partnership with Triad City Beat.“I will stand my ground,” the Rev. Greg Drumwright said from atop the temporary stage, beneath the shadow of a Confederate monument. He told the deputies, “When you get involved, peaceful protests always turn into chaotic situations.”Then, deputies grabbed Drumwright and at least four others and tackled them to the ground, while other officers advanced on protesters, legal observers and journalists, and forced them into the street.Only minutes earlier, a Graham police officer announced from a loudspeaker that the protest was an “unlawful assembly.” After the organizers were arrested, Graham police officers began deploying pepper spray at protesters’ feet, driving them a block northward.It was at least the third time police deployed large amounts of pepper spray on the crowd, underscoring Drumwright’s accusation that the police caused violence and chaos. Multiple people were injured and arrested, including one journalist. One protester was seen vomiting after police deployed pepper spray, and was treated by EMTs.Gwen Frisbie-Fulton, who works for voter engagement group Down Home North Carolina and attended the march, told The Daily Beast: “I saw a little girl, probably five, being carried off sobbing and coughing. She was dressed as a fairy or a princess." She said that another child vomited after being pepper-sprayed.A woman identified as Melanie Mitchell told The News & Observer that her 5-year-old and 11-year-old daughters were among those pepper-sprayed. She said her 5-year-old frantically ran away and “my 11-year-old was terrified. She doesn’t want to come down to Graham anymore.”The chaos began early, once the marchers reached the Confederate monument. After they kneeled in the traffic circle to observe 8 minutes and 46 seconds of silence to honor George Floyd, Graham police suddenly began pepper-spraying at people’s feet, including journalists and children, and ordering them to move.One of the first arrested was Tomas Murawski, a reporter for the conservative news outlet The Alamance News. Video taken by The Daily Beast shows Graham police officers twisting Murawski’s wrist and forcefully jerking his arms in an upwards motion.It was unclear why Murawski and another man who was arrested were taken into custody but Murawski had only been reporting on the protest at the time. Another protester was arrested when police found a Bowie knife strapped to her leg, said Jamie Paulen, a lawyer who attended the march.A fourth protester, Avery Harvey, was arrested after telling a Black police officer that policing as an institution is racist. As Harvey was walking off, the officer told him he was under arrest. Harvey’s arrest angered protesters, who shouted from the courthouse across the street, “Let him go!”Going into the rally, Drumwright expressed frustration with the Graham police, saying they refused his request to set up a stage at the Confederate monument and insisted on maintaining vehicular traffic around the traffic circle. Prior to the march, the police set up tape around the sidewalks in an attempt to corral the protesters past the monument and courthouse.“The chief of police has worked very hard and very diligently to keep us from having a peaceful rally there on the Courthouse Square,” Drumwright told The Daily Beast during a companion march to a polling place in Greensboro on Friday evening.Drumwright previously led about 700 people in a July 11 march to the Confederate monument, and he said the police chief did not respond to inquiries from his attorneys as to why they could assemble there in July, but not now.As Graham police drove protesters away from the Historic Courthouse on Saturday, Alan Hall, a regular at pro-Confederate rallies, heckled them from a pickup truck festooned with Trump flags. “You want change?” he yelled. “Leave the Democratic plantation.”Justasia Z. Drayton, an organizer with Down Home North Carolina, was at the polling place a block away to help people vote when police broke up the march. “This is the most un-American place in America,” she said. “On voting day of all days.”Over the course of the day, at least one pickup truck flying a Confederate flag could be seen driving past the polling place. A man yelled, “Vote Trump!” from a passing vehicle.Down Home North Carolina has been working to get out the vote for a slate of local candidates, including Dreama Caldwell, a candidate for Alamance County Board of Commissioners.“A lot of people don’t want to vote; they feel disenfranchised,” Drayton said. “They feel their vote does not matter. But their vote does matter, because at the local level a couple hundred votes can sway an election. Dreama Caldwell would be the first Black woman county commissioner ever, which is astounding to me. That’s consequential.”In a statement, North Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Wayne Goodwin called it “completely unwarranted police hostility and voter suppression.” “This group of North Carolinians was fully within their First Amendment rights to hold their protest and march to the polls,” he said. “It is egregious that local law enforcement would conduct themselves this way. North Carolinians are no strangers to voter suppression and intimidation—we know it when we see it.”Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

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Indonesia condemns France attacks, but warns against Macron's remarks

Indonesia condemns France attacks, but warns against Macron's remarksIndonesian president Joko Widodo on Saturday condemned what he called "terrorist" attacks in France, but also warned that remarks by President Emmanuel Macron had "insulted Islam" and "hurt the unity of Muslims everywhere." Conservative Islamic organizations in Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim-majority country, have called for protests and boycotts against France, sharing an image of Macron as a red-eyed devilish snail. "Freedom of speech that injures the noble purity and sacred values and symbol of religion is so wrong, it shouldn’t be justified and it needs to stop," the Indonesian leader, who is known by his popular name Jokowi, said in a televised address.

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Former Venezuelan treasurer charged with accepting millions in Miami corruption case

Former Venezuelan treasurer charged with accepting millions in Miami corruption caseA former Venezuelan national treasurer and her husband accepted massive bribes from a politically connected billionaire who paid them through U.S. bank accounts so he could gain access to the government’s lucrative currency exchange system, according to a new federal criminal case filed in Miami.

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'My parents had hearts of gold, they didn't deserve it'

How people are dealing with the effects of coronavirus in one New York neighbourhood.

from BBC News - Business

Robot Bores: AI-powered awkward first date

Two chatbots meet and put the world to rights online in battle to see who is most human-like.

from BBC News - Technology

US Election 2020: Biden and Trump in last weekend dash round swing states

Joe Biden is in Michigan while Donald Trump arrives in Pennsylvania, both key to the White House race.

from BBC News - World

US election: The big issue that could hurt Trump

Just ahead of the election, the US is seeing what could be the largest outbreak of the pandemic so far.

from BBC News - World

US election 2020: 'It just makes me feel like a nobody'

Former prisoner Davion Hampton from Florida wants to vote in this US election. But he can't.

from BBC News - World

US election: 'All Republicans should marry Democrats'

Chenren and Cathy Shao haven't let political differences get in the way of their eight-year marriage.

from BBC News - World

US election 2020: The great dividing line of this campaign

For some Americans, civil unrest after police shootings is driving their support for Donald Trump.

from BBC News - World

Covid: What will the England lockdown achieve?

Lockdown is the measure nobody "wanted" but now many European countries have decided they "need".

from BBC News - Home

Covid-19: Austria and Portugal announce restrictions

A number of European countries are enforcing new measures as cases continue to rise.

from BBC News - Home

Oleksandr Usyk beats Derek Chisora on points in stylish display

Oleksandr Usyk earns a unanimous points win over Derek Chisora at Wembley Arena to underline his credentials at heavyweight.

from BBC News - Home

Typhoon Goni: Philippines hit by year's most powerful storm

Torrential rain and "catastrophic violent winds" are expected on the main island of Luzon on Sunday.

from BBC News - Home

U.S. fights delay in extraditing Carlos Ghosn's accused escape plotters to Japan

U.S. fights delay in extraditing Carlos Ghosn's accused escape plotters to JapanThe U.S. Justice Department on Friday urged a federal judge to swiftly reject a last-minute bid by two Massachusetts men to avoid being extradited to Japan to face charges that they helped former Nissan Motor Co Ltd Chairman Carlos Ghosn flee the country. The department in a court filing said Japanese agents are slated to come to the United States in the "coming days" to transport U.S. Army Special Forces veteran Michael Taylor and his son, Peter Taylor, back to Japan. The U.S. State Department informed their lawyers on Wednesday it had approved turning them over.

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Mother sues in police shooting, says son was left to die

Mother sues in police shooting, says son was left to dieThe mother of the Black man who was fatally shot by a suburban Chicago police officer has filed a federal lawsuit accusing law enforcement of letting him bleed to death in the eight minutes it for took an ambulance to arrive. The lawsuit was filed Thursday by Zharvellis Holmes, the mother of 19-year-old Marcellis Stinnette, who was shot to death Oct. 20 by a Waukegan police officer. Tafara Williams, the 20-year-old Black woman who was with Stinnette when he was killed and who was also shot and wounded, filed a similar lawsuit on Wednesday.

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Christians Worldwide Mark International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

Millions of Christians worldwide will unite on Sunday, Nov. 1 to join the global Body of Christ for the 2020 International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted (IDOP).

from Worldwide Mark International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

Christians Worldwide Mark International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

Millions of Christians worldwide will unite on Sunday, Nov. 1 to join the global Body of Christ for the 2020 International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted (IDOP).


US to use Iranian fuel sale proceeds to aid terror victims

US to use Iranian fuel sale proceeds to aid terror victimsThe Trump administration plans to use proceeds from the sale of fuel confiscated from Iranian tankers to benefit victims of terrorism, officials announced Thursday. The U.S. government in August seized 1.1 million barrels of fuel from four Iranian tankers that were en route to Venezuela. The fuel has since been sold, and officials say the proceeds will go to a special fund for victims of state-sponsored terrorism.

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Vancouver Braces for Protests After Police Kill 21-Year-Old Black Man in Bank Parking Lot

Vancouver Braces for Protests After Police Kill 21-Year-Old Black Man in Bank Parking LotPolice in Vancouver, Washington, are bracing for a second night of protests after officers fatally shot a 21-year-old Black man in a bank parking lot Thursday night.Clark County sheriff’s deputies shot and killed Kevin Peterson, Jr., 21, near a U.S. Bank just prior to 6 p.m. Thursday. The officers involved have not been named. Protesters gathered near the site of the shooting Thursday night, and mourners planned to gather at the site Friday night for a vigil.Police didn't offer any details about the shooting until Friday afternoon, when Sheriff Chuck Atkins said the deputies had been conducting a narcotics investigation when they began their pursuit of Peterson on foot. “A foot pursuit ensued where deputies from the Clark County sheriff’s office were chasing a man with a firearm. The information I have, is that upon entering the parking lot of the bank, the man repeatedly, reportedly fired his weapon at the deputies. The deputies returned fire and the subject was tragically killed. It is my understanding that the man’s firearm was observed as the scene,” Atkins said at a brief press conference. Peterson had called his girlfriend Olivia Selto just before the incident, and she was still on the phone with him when he was shot, according to The Oregonian. She said she heard the gunshots. The couple had a child together, Kailiah Peterson.“I told him I loved him as many times as I could and he said it back,” she told the paper, adding that the last thing she heard from him was “a few heartbreaking sounds.” Kevin Peterson, Sr. said of his son, who had five siblings, “He wasn’t a problem child at all. He was a good kid. He didn’t have a record, nothing. It’s sad this happened to him.” He said he was not allowed to identify his son until early the following morning.The Southwest Washington Independent Investigation Team has taken over the investigation into the shooting, which Atkins said he “fully supported.” At a press conference Friday, Atkins said, “Since it’s not my investigation, I’m waiting along with you for some of the information I need.”Atkins said he supported demonstrators who planned to gather.“It is right and correct that the community should grieve alongside his family,” he said. “I have a team working to ensure that people can come on over and hold a peaceful whatever-you-want-to-call-it, obviously they’re going to be allowed to do that. It’s something we expect, and they have a right to come over and pay their respects.”Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

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Body-camera footage released of Wallace killing; family says officers were improperly trained

Body-camera footage released of Wallace killing; family says officers were improperly trainedThe footage from body-worn cameras that was taken as police responded to a call about Walter Wallace Jr. shows him emerging from a house with a knife as relatives shout at officers about his mental health condition, a lawyer for the man's family said Thursday.

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Coronavirus: Slovakia holds national test but president calls for delay

Everyone in Slovakia over the age of 10 is to be tested for Covid - but the president is sceptical.

from BBC News - World

Covid: Belgium announces return to national lockdown

Non-essential shops will close until mid-December to help curb the highest infection rate in Europe.

from BBC News - World

US election: What Latino first-time voters want

Every 30 seconds, a Latino in the US turns 18 and becomes eligible to vote.

from BBC News - World

Berlin airport opens... 10 years late

Berlin's new airport is finally opening to the public, 10 years behind schedule and billions over budget.

from BBC News - World

Covid: When will it be over and we can do this again?

Christmas? Spring? A return to life as we knew it could be quite a long way off.

from BBC News - Home

'Millions face hardship' as government support ends

Renters and the self employed could be among those facing tough times this winter, charities warn.

from BBC News - Home

The Papers: 'National lockdown looms' and Stiles tributes

Several of Saturday's papers lead with reports that nationwide restrictions will be introduced.

from BBC News - Home

Kyle Rittenhouse extradited to Wisconsin following terse ruling from Illinois judge accusing him of asking the court to 'ignore binding Illinois law'

Kyle Rittenhouse extradited to Wisconsin following terse ruling from Illinois judge accusing him of asking the court to 'ignore binding Illinois law'Rittenhouse, charged in Wisconsin with first-degree homicide over the shooting of three people at Kenosha protests, had been fighting his extradition.

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President Erdogan accused of fuelling the anger that led to French terror attacks

President Erdogan accused of fuelling the anger that led to French terror attacksThe Turkish president’s bellicose rhetoric towards France over the publication of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed may have contributed to a climate of anger that led to the deadly terror attack in the city of Nice on Thursday, terrorism experts and EU politicians have said. A woman was decapitated, and two more people killed, in an attack in a church in Nice on Thursday that the city’s mayor described as terrorism after the alleged perpetrator reportedly chanted “Alllahu akbar” as he was arrested. Terrorism experts believe the attack – alongside a stabbing at the French consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and an incident in Avignon where police killed a man brandishing a gun – were retaliation by extremists for France’s hardening attitudes towards Muslims. French President Emmanuel Macron ordered a crackdown on Islamists this month, following the beheading of a teacher who showed his class caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed, something many Muslims consider blasphemous and offensive. Turkish President Recep Tayipp Erdogan has led criticism in the Muslim world of Mr Macron, repeatedly saying he needed mental evaluation over his stance towards Islam.

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Hillary Clinton joins Electoral College 4 years after it cost her the presidency: 'Pretty sure I'll get to vote for Joe'

Hillary Clinton joins Electoral College 4 years after it cost her the presidency: 'Pretty sure I'll get to vote for Joe'Hillary Clinton, the former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, is one of 29 Democratic electors for New York state in 2020.

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Australia's extreme lockdown brought coronavirus cases in its epicenter to zero. It may also have prevented a third wave.

Australia's extreme lockdown brought coronavirus cases in its epicenter to zero. It may also have prevented a third wave.For 111 days, Melbourne residents were only allowed to leave their homes for essential purposes like exercising or grocery shopping.

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Lawyers for Black couple shot by police outside Chicago claim officer’s body camera was turned off intentionally

Lawyers for Black couple shot by police outside Chicago claim officer’s body camera was turned off intentionallyOfficer claims couple tried to hit him with their car

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Las Vegas police charge driver after man pushed a cyclist to her death, fell out a minivan window, hit his head on a lamppost, and died at the scene

Las Vegas police charge driver after man pushed a cyclist to her death, fell out a minivan window, hit his head on a lamppost, and died at the sceneRodrigo Cruz, 22, was the driver of the minivan involved in the two deaths, the Las Vegas police said.

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The Electoral College can pick a president who got fewer votes. Here's why and how.

The Electoral College can pick a president who got fewer votes. Here's why and how.The 2020 presidential election again highlights one of the most confusing and controversial parts of the U.S. elections: The Electoral College.

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Lawyers: Cop video of shooting of 2 suggests cover-up

Lawyers: Cop video of shooting of 2 suggests cover-upA body camera worn by a suburban Chicago police officer who shot a Black couple in their car was only turned on moments after the shooting, a fact that the lawyers representing the woman say suggests an attempt to cover up what had happened even before he fired.

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Elizabeth Warren reportedly wants to be Biden's Treasury secretary

Elizabeth Warren reportedly wants to be Biden's Treasury secretarySen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is reportedly looking to make a big, structural career change.The former presidential candidate is ready to make her case to be Democratic nominee Joe Biden's Treasury secretary should he win next week, three Democratic officials who have spoken to her inner circle tell Politico; Two straightforwardly said "she wants it." A Warren Treasury would appeal to progressives who have been reluctant to support Biden, but also draw opposition from Wall Street leaders Warren would try to regulate.Warren certainly has the background to lead the Treasury. She's an expert on bankruptcy law, originated the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau under former President Barack Obama, and made economic reform a big part of her 2020 campaign. And while she could keep advocating for these goals in the Senate, Warren allies tell Politico this is "a once-in-a lifetime opportunity to enact some of the 'big structural change' she talked about during the presidential primary." Warren also would like to "rectify what she thinks were mistakes in the Obama administration's response to the Great Recession," namely not reshaping the system as a whole, Politico adds.Biden's potential Cabinet has been in the works for months, with Politico reporting he wants to "assemble a center-left amalgamation of personnel designed to prioritize speed over ideology in responding to the coronavirus and the resulting economic ruin." Warren has long been viewed as a more progressive piece of that puzzle, though for now, her campaign says it's focused on the election that's just a few days away.More stories from How to make an election crisis 64 things President Trump has said about women Republicans are on the verge of a spectacular upside-down achievement

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Popular Thai pro-democracy figure charged over flash mob rally

Popular Thai pro-democracy figure charged over flash mob rallyOne of Thailand’s most popular anti-establishment politicians has been charged for his role in an illegal flash mob protest last year, in a move that is likely to fuel the current wave of pro-democracy protests. Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit, 41, a charismatic billionaire and founder of the dissolved Future Forward party, is accused of five public assembly violations linked to the rally in Bangkok's central shopping district last December, Krisadung Nutcharat, his lawyer, said on Thursday. The charges include failing to notify police of a public gathering, blocking a sky train station, using a megaphone without permission and holding a rally close to a royal residence. Four other people from his Progressive Movement Group and Move Forward Party face similar charges. All five deny any wrongdoing. Mr Thanathorn has been an outspoken advocate of the protest movement that has gripped the Thai capital, Bangkok, since June, and he recently condemned a short-lived emergency order aimed at keeping demonstrators off the streets. During last year’s elections, he and his pro-democracy Future Forward Party, proved to be enormously popular with young, first-time voters, and garnered the third-largest share of seats.

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2020 polls: Can Trump pull another 2016 upset? The data says no chance

2020 polls: Can Trump pull another 2016 upset? The data says no chanceThe blue wave is coming - if you believe the polls

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Tens of thousands protest in Bangladesh over French cartoons

Tens of thousands protest in Bangladesh over French cartoonsTens of thousands of Muslims marched in Bangladesh’s capital on Friday to protest the French president's support of secular laws allowing caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad, burning effigies of him and calling for a boycott of French products. Protests were also reported across the country after Friday's weekly Muslim prayers. In Dhaka, tens of thousands of people from more than a dozen Islamist parties and groups poured into the streets near the Baitul Mokarram national mosque demanding that Bangladesh sever relations with France.

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“Over 1,000 people died today”: Don Jr. falsely claims that COVID-19 deaths are “almost nothing”

“Over 1,000 people died today”: Don Jr. falsely claims that COVID-19 deaths are “almost nothing”Deaths rose to 1,040 on Thursday as the number of new COVID-19 cases hit the highest number on record

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CEO Secrets: The aviation workers starting new businesses

We hear from three people who have started their own companies during the downturn in aviation.

from BBC News - Business

Getting too many texts? Blame the election

Every election campaign uses more sophisticated tech, but the text message still cuts through.

from BBC News - Technology

US Election 2020: Trump and Biden duel in critical state of Florida

Democrat Biden's lead over the US president is narrower in must-win states, with Florida a key prize.

from BBC News - World

Coronavirus hardship in Mexico, Nigeria and Bangladesh

Three people from around the world who lost their jobs during the pandemic explain how it has affected their lives.

from BBC News - World

'We asked Trump to stop playing YMCA' - Village People singer Victor Willis

Village People's lead singer says he doesn't endorse the US president, who regularly plays the classic at rallies.

from BBC News - World

Jeremy Corbyn suspension 'could cost Labour next election'

The boss of the powerful Unite union urges the party to reinstate its ex-leader or risk "chaos".

from BBC News - Home

US Election 2020: Trump and Biden duel in critical state of Florida

Democrat Biden's lead over the US president is narrower in must-win states, with Florida a key prize.

from BBC News - Home

Mexican president slams European coronavirus lockdown measures

Mexican president slams European coronavirus lockdown measuresMexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Wednesday blasted European countries for adopting strict lockdowns to stem the spread of coronavirus, suggesting they smacked of authoritarianism. Germany and France were on Wednesday preparing to announce restrictions approaching the level of spring's blanket lockdowns as COVID deaths across Europe surged. National or local authorities have already imposed nighttime curfews in several European countries, including France, Spain, Italy and the Czech Republic.

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Trump news – live: President cancels rally over high winds, as he threatens 'Anonymous' whistleblower with 'bad things'

Trump news – live: President cancels rally over high winds, as he threatens 'Anonymous' whistleblower with 'bad things'Follow the latest updates

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Here's how former Vice President Joe Biden went from 'Middle-Class Joe' to millionaire

Here's how former Vice President Joe Biden went from 'Middle-Class Joe' to millionaireJoe Biden has earned millions from book royalties and speaking engagements — mostly following his vice presidency.

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Woman Beheaded in French Knife ‘Terror’ Attack at Church, 3 Dead

Woman Beheaded in French Knife ‘Terror’ Attack at Church, 3 DeadThree people have been killed—including one elderly woman and another person by decapitation—and several others injured in a suspected terror attack inside the Notre-Dame basilica in the French city of Nice. The knife-wielding assailant, who was wounded by police gunfire, allegedly yelled “Allahu Akbar” several times, including while he was being detained, in what has come to be known as a battle cry for Islamic extremists in Europe.The city’s mayor, Christian Estrosi, wrote immediately after the killings that “everything suggests a terrorist attack,” and said the unnamed suspect had been arrested and taken to a hospital in the city. The Paris’ anti-terror prosecutors office said it has opened an investigation. Italian police said late Thursday that the killer is a 21-year-old Tunisian migrant who was smuggled to the Italian island of Lampedusa in September. After he completed the mandatory two-week COVID-19 quarantine, he left the migrant camp and made his way to France. Authorities have his details and fingerprints as part of the immigration process and are working with French police. “The suspected knife attacker was shot by police while being detained. He is on his way to hospital, he is alive,” Estrosi told reporters at the scene. Although a motive has not been confirmed by officials, the mayor expressed his wish to “wipe out Islamo-fascism” from the country.French President Emmanuel Macron declared a state of emergency and ordered security to be strengthened at places of worship across the nation. On Wednesday night, Macron had put France back into lockdown because of its out-of-control resurgence in coronavirus cases. Hours after the attack, he visited the basilica and met with security and rescue personnel.The Nice slashings occurred on the same day that an assailant was shot dead by police near another French city, Avignon, after he reportedly waved a gun at officers, and also as a guard was reportedly attacked outside the French consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.Local reports in the French Riviera city say the elderly woman and a man who died were attacked inside the heart of the Nice basilica. The BBC reports a woman who fled to a nearby cafe was stabbed many times and died at a hospital, and that a witness at the scene managed to set off an alarm on a “special protection system” set up by city officials. One eyewitness told the BBC: “We heard many people shouting in the street. We saw from the window that there were many, many policemen coming, and gunshots, many gunshots.”In July 2016, Nice was the scene of unthinkable carnage when an armed French delivery driver attacked a waterfront Bastille Day fireworks party with a truck, killing at 84 people, including 10 children. France has been under high alert for terrorist acts in recent weeks as 14 people suspected of murdering 12 Charlie Hebdo staffers, a female police officer, and four men in a Jewish supermarket in 2015 in retaliation for the publication of cartoons of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad went on trial.As the courtroom proceedings opened, two people were stabbed near the publication’s old offices in Paris on Sept. 25 in what the French interior minister then declared was “clearly an act of Islamist terrorism.”The Nice attack also comes less than two weeks after the beheading of middle-school teacher Samuel Paty in Paris after he had shown his students cartoons published by the satirical magazine.Estrosi said the two attacks were similar. “The methods match, without doubt, those used against the brave teacher in Conflans Sainte Honorine, Samuel Paty,” he said.Family of Moscow-Born Teen Who Beheaded Teacher Were from Chechnya Where Charlie Hebdo Cartoons Are DemonizedPresident Macron delivered the eulogy at Paty’s funeral, and said France would not abandon its right to free speech. “We will continue, Professor. We will defend the freedom that you taught so well and we will promote secularism, we will not renounce caricatures, drawings, even if others retreat,” Macron said. “We will continue the fight for freedom and the freedom of which you are now the face.”Macron’s comments have drawn sharp criticism in the Islamic world with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan calling for a boycott of French goods. In response, Charlie Hebdo published a caricature of Erdogan in his underwear lifting a Muslim woman’s skirt on Wednesday, drawing scorn from Erdogan for what he referred to as a “a grave insult to my prophet.”Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

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Citing a burden on minority voters, US judge overrules Texas governor's exemption for masks at polls

Citing a burden on minority voters, US judge overrules Texas governor's exemption for masks at pollsThe judge said Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's exemption for masks at polling sites put a "discriminatory burden on Black and Latino voters.”

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Trump rushes struggling GOP senator at rally: 'You got one minute, they don't want to hear this'

Trump rushes struggling GOP senator at rally: 'You got one minute, they don't want to hear this'President hurried Arizona Senator Martha McSally before calling up three politicians from other states - plus Nigel Farage - to address the crowd

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Charlie Hebdo, whose cartoons sparked terror attacks in France, published a cutting caricature of Turkish President Erdogan amid his feud with Macron

Charlie Hebdo, whose cartoons sparked terror attacks in France, published a cutting caricature of Turkish President Erdogan amid his feud with MacronPresident Recep Tayyip Erdogan said French President Emmanuel Macron needed mental treatment after criticizing Islam and proposing regulations on it.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Fauci says COVID-19 mask mandate is needed. ‘We are on a very difficult trajectory’

Fauci says COVID-19 mask mandate is needed. ‘We are on a very difficult trajectory’“If things do not change... there’s gonna be a whole lot of pain in this country.”

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

21 dead, dozens missing in Vietnam after typhoon brings destruction

21 dead, dozens missing in Vietnam after typhoon brings destructionTwenty-one people have been killed and dozens more were feared dead on Thursday after a typhoon tore through central Vietnam, triggering landslides and causing some of the worst destruction seen in years.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Trump and Biden to both campaign in battleground state Florida

Trump and Biden to both campaign in battleground state FloridaPresident Trump and Democratic rival Joe Biden will both rally supporters on Thursday in the critical battleground state of Florida.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

SpaceX delayed its NASA astronaut launch because a red 'nail polish' material was plugging part of its rocket engines

SpaceX delayed its NASA astronaut launch because a red 'nail polish' material was plugging part of its rocket enginesSpaceX's Crew-1 launch is now set for November 14 after the company checked tiny holes in its rocket engines for bright-red lacquer.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Covid: What impact has the furlough scheme had?

As the furlough scheme draws to a close, how much did it cost and did it achieve its aims?

from BBC News - Business

Furlough: ‘In limbo’ or ‘one long garden party'?

Furlough was a welcome holiday for some but for others it was a long and anxious waiting game.

from BBC News - Business

Job Support Scheme: How do new post-furlough changes work?

The government has expanded its Job Support Scheme, which replaces furlough from November.

from BBC News - Business

‘It’s all about survival now'

How are Tottenham residents coping after the area had one of the highest furlough rates in London?

from BBC News - Business

How do I find a new job during Covid and which sectors are hiring?

Jobseekers are having a tough time at the moment, but support is available.

from BBC News - Business

‘It’s Not Looting. It’s a Rebellion’: Protests Rock Philly for Second Night After Police Killing

‘It’s Not Looting. It’s a Rebellion’: Protests Rock Philly for Second Night After Police KillingPHILADELPHIA—Hundreds gathered in West Philadelphia on Tuesday to protest the fatal police shooting of Walter Wallace Jr, a 27-year-old Black man, hours after ferocious unrest in response to the incident sent a chunk of the city into chaos.It didn’t take all that long for things to get ugly again.In video captured by an eyewitness and posted to social media, police on Monday afternoon fired several shots at Wallace Jr., who was seen approaching the officers with a knife—and whose mother was on hand, pleading for de-escalation. Two officers, whose names have not been released, each fired about seven times, police announced at a Tuesday press conference. According to Wallace Jr.’s family’s attorney, Shaka Johnson, they contacted emergency services for assistance with an ongoing mental health crisis, and the Philadelphia Inquirer reported that officers had visited the home twice that day before the shooting.Wallace Jr., who reportedly had seven children and whose wife was expecting, was transported to a nearby hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Within hours of the shooting, protests kicked off, and while they began peacefully, tensions surged, with social media footage showing police beating protesters and protesters throwing objects—including bricks—at cops. Looting was also reported at stores hit during previous racial-justice protests this spring.The difference from a wave of local unrest after the police killing of George Floyd in May: a hotly-contested presidential election centering in no small part on law-and-order was now in its final days.Video Exposes Proud Boys and ‘Extra-Friendly’ Philly Cops“I hope there’s no looting or rioting because that’s not what this is about. This isn’t about taking away from the community or the people of West Philly,” Brittany Meyers. 28, of West Philadelphia, told The Daily Beast as protests began again Tuesday evening. “But I will defend my home against these cops. And whoever gets in office next has to address this racism.”At the peak of the mayhem late Monday and early Tuesday, a local news van was damaged and at least one police car was set on fire. By the end of the evening, according to the most recent release from the Philadelphia Police Department, 91 people were arrested and 30 officers were injured, including one officer who was hit by a car at 52nd and Walnut Streets.On Tuesday, the National Guard was activated. And while protests began without incident that evening, by 9 p.m. looting had again been reported in some parts of the city. Still, protesters were leery of a president who has repeatedly singled out their polling places for scrutiny from his rabid fans, tweeting on Tuesday, “Philadelpiha [sic] MUST HAVE POLLWATCHERS!”“Philadelphia is sick and tired of being sick and tired,” J.T. Hall, 30, told The Daily Beast. “And it doesn’t help that we have a president that says, you know, ‘Bad things happen in Philadelphia.’ It needs to stop.”Around 9:30 at the intersection of 52nd and Market Streets, a line of no more than 20 officers were surrounded by dozens protesters chanting, “Who killed Walter Wallace?” Within minutes, several carloads of back-up officers arrived on the scene and trash was thrown from within the crowd of protesters. A few officers began to attempt to push the line of the crowd away from them, resulting in a protester being knocked over. Chaos ensued and officers drew their batons, beating protesters, and using pepper spray on those standing nearby.Neither major-party presidential nominee was popular on the street Tuesday. In fact, several signs designed to bolster get out the vote efforts in Philadelphia were torn off street posts and set on fire in the middle of Chestnut Street between 48th and 47th streets. First responders arrived on the scene within minutes to put out the flames. A few small fires (most of which were contained to trash cans) peppered the street. For his part, Hall said he turned out to protest after watching what he described as “the rebellion” play out Monday.“It’s not looting. It’s a rebellion,” he said. “You want to take our lives? We’ll hit you in your pockets.”Read more at The Daily Beast.Got a tip? Send it to The Daily Beast hereGet our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Mitch McConnell just adjourned the Senate until November 9, ending the prospect of additional coronavirus relief until after the election

Mitch McConnell just adjourned the Senate until November 9, ending the prospect of additional coronavirus relief until after the electionThe Senate's last order of business was confirming Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, capping a contentious nominations process.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Waukegan police officer turned on body cam after fatal shooting, city releases videos

Waukegan police officer turned on body cam after fatal shooting, city releases videosThe former Waukegan police officer who fatally shot a Black teen and wounded a Black woman last week turned on his body camera after the shooting.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Trump, Biden campaigns flood battleground Florida with surrogates

Trump, Biden campaigns flood battleground Florida with surrogatesBarack Obama, Ivanka Trump stump in Sunshine State; Phil Keating has the latest on 'Special Report.'

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

In pictures: Evacuations as two wildfires rage in California

In pictures: Evacuations as two wildfires rage in CaliforniaMass evacuation orders are in place as two fast-moving fires engulf thousands of acres near Los Angeles.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Animal Crossing: 'My sister lives on in a video game'

Tending to her sister's virtual town in Animal Crossing helps Meredith Myers keep her memory alive and cope with her grief.

from BBC News - Technology

Al-Qaeda still 'heavily embedded' within Taliban in Afghanistan, UN official warns

A senior UN official says the Taliban is still tied to al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, in spite of US deal.

from BBC News - World

Mali Radisson Blu attack: Two Islamists sentenced to death

Two Islamists are convicted of carrying out two attacks targeting foreigners, in which 25 people died.

from BBC News - World

Animal Crossing: 'My sister lives on in a video game'

Tending to her sister's virtual town in Animal Crossing helps Meredith Myers keep her memory alive and cope with her grief.

from BBC News - World

End Sars protests: 'I felt I was going to die there'

Ephraim, a British-Nigerian activist at the heart of the End Sars protests in Lagos, talks about what he saw.

from BBC News - World

US Election 2020: Will America's race issue decide the next president?

The BBC's Clive Myrie goes to the crucial state of Arizona, where black votes could decide who wins.

from BBC News - World

Covid-19: Nearly 100,000 catching virus every day

A major analysis estimates the number of people infected with Covid-19 is doubling every nine days.

from BBC News - Home

Labour anti-Semitism report due to be published

An inquiry looked at whether unlawful acts took place and how the party responded to complaints.

from BBC News - Home

Belarus leader seeks to punish striking workers, students

Belarus leader seeks to punish striking workers, studentsBelarus President Alexander Lukashenko urged authorities Tuesday to take action against plant workers and students who participate in a strike called by the opposition as the authoritarian leader made another attempt to halt protests of his reelection. University students left classes to march in rallies and some factory employees went on strike Monday after Lukashenko ignored an opposition demand to resign following the balloting that was widely viewed as rigged. Nearly 600 people were detained in the capital of Minsk and other cities.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Erdogan vows legal response to Charlie Hebdo cartoon showing him lifting skirt of veiled woman

Erdogan vows legal response to Charlie Hebdo cartoon showing him lifting skirt of veiled womanAnger at France deepened in Muslim-majority countries on Wednesday over a Charlie Hebdo cartoon showing Turkey’s president drinking beer while lifting the skirt of a woman wearing a hijab to reveal her naked buttocks. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president, described the cartoonists as “scoundrels” and accused the West of wanting to “relaunch the Crusades”. His office also vowed to take unspecified "legal and diplomatic actions" through the Turkish legal system. His row with France erupted after President Emmanuel Macron ordered a crackdown on Islamists this month, following the beheading of a teacher who showed his class Charlie Hebdo cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed. Protesters in Somalia’s capital Mogadishu shouted: “Down with France. It insulted our prophet.”

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Utility: Winds too weak to cut power before California fire

Utility: Winds too weak to cut power before California fireFacing extreme wildfire conditions this week that included hurricane-level winds, the main utility in Northern California cut power to nearly 1 million people while its counterpart in Southern California pulled the plug on just 30 customers to prevent power lines and other electrical equipment from sparking a blaze. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. avoided major wildfires during its outage, while Southern California Edison is trying to determine if one of its power lines started a massive fire that drove nearly 100,000 people from their homes in Orange County during fierce winds and extremely dry conditions early Monday.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

‘White racist cops got my own dad’: Walter Wallace’s young son speaks out

‘White racist cops got my own dad’: Walter Wallace’s young son speaks outAn investigation has been opened into the police shooting of Walter Wallace who died in Philadelphia on Monday afternoon

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

'I purely vote for my actual interests': Black men could be critical bloc in presidential election

'I purely vote for my actual interests': Black men could be critical bloc in presidential electionWith one week left until the election, some experts say Black men are a key demographic that could shock the country on Election Day and vote for President Trump in surprising numbers.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Hospitals in Wisconsin, Texas under strain as COVID-19 cases surge

Hospitals in Wisconsin, Texas under strain as COVID-19 cases surgeUW Health University Hospital in Madison, Wisconsin has been rushing to convert available space into units for COVID-19 patients, as the state's medical facilities struggle to keep pace with a surge in new infections. As part of the effort, the medical center opened a new intensive care unit (ICU) this week ahead of schedule, and it is quickly filling with coronavirus patients. "Today we have more patients than we've had ever before," said Dr. Jeff Pothof, an emergency medicine physician at UW Health.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

FBI arrests five in U.S. accused of trying to coerce political dissenters to return to China

FBI arrests five in U.S. accused of trying to coerce political dissenters to return to ChinaA note left on the door of one victim read, "If you are willing to go back to mainland and spend 10 years in prison, your wife and children will be all right."

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Covid: 1,700 employers planned redundancies in September

Redundancies on the rise again after August lull, according to BBC Freedom of Information Request

from BBC News - Business

Halloween firms face up to a pandemic fright

Covid-19 has created extra problems this Halloween, so how are firms fighting back?

from BBC News - Business

'Furlough pay should be kept at 80% of our salaries'

Workers facing new lockdowns: "We need furlough pay to be kept at 80% of our salaries."

from BBC News - Business

Are polls of the presidential race reliable this time?

Are polls of the presidential race reliable this time?President Trump's surprise victory in 2016 has made voters wary of trusting polls of this year's race. Will 2020 polls prove more accurate than they were four years ago?

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

‘Cat-sized’ rats taking over Dupont Circle apartment building, tenants say

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