Why this black drive-in cinema is a big hit

Drive-ins are booming, of course. But this one is also responding to the other big story of the year.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/3hKtMWl

Still ill with coronavirus six months later: 'I have no idea how to get better'

For some people Covid just will not go away – one woman’s Instagram diary of her long-haul illness.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/34QT9Sw

George Ezra opens up about OCD struggle

The musician says he is plagued by intrusive thoughts, and has suffered from OCD "my whole life".

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/3jJl8Ij

Hundreds of migrants still dying in Med five years since 2015

Five years on from the migrant crisis of 2015 hundreds are still dying in the Mediterranean.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/2QEZRme

Rival powers jockey for the lead in hypersonic aircraft

The US, China and Russia are pouring money into aircraft that can fly at five times the speed of sound.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/3lzayFi

Coronavirus: How teachers are feeling as schools return

Four teachers share their experiences of the pandemic as they prepare to welcome pupils back to school.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/3lv4SfD

The traditional crafts in danger of dying out

Who was the last British deckle-maker? Who makes withy pots? And what is an orrery?

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/32GvPUZ

New report deepens mystery around Trump’s sudden and suspicious visit to Walter Reed hospital

New report deepens mystery around Trump’s sudden and suspicious visit to Walter Reed hospitalVice President Mike Pence was reportedly prepared to take over the presidential duties

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2YRCI4A

The alt-right group Patriot Prayer, associated with a man killed in the Portland protests, has a history of provoking left-wing groups: 'This was just a matter of time'

The alt-right group Patriot Prayer, associated with a man killed in the Portland protests, has a history of provoking left-wing groups: 'This was just a matter of time'An Anti-Defamation League researcher fears that Aaron Danielson's killing will spur more bloodshed between right- and left-wing groups.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/3lwfdIh

Russian opposition activist hospitalised after attack outside his home

Russian opposition activist hospitalised after attack outside his homeA 22-year-old Russian opposition activist has been hospitalised after what supporters said was a vicious attack by two men outside his house in Moscow. Yegor Zhukov, who came to prominence last year when he was arrested and tried over opposition protests, posted pictures of his bruised and bloody face to social media following the attack. He was taken to hospital for an MRI scan which showed he had “fortunately managed to avoid serious injuries or internal bleeding,” a spokesman said. The activist “remained calm and even joked about what happened,” his team said in a social media post, adding that he was allowed home following tests.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2ExzMU1

Letters to the Editor: California's blackouts prove it: We still need oil and gas for energy

Letters to the Editor: California's blackouts prove it: We still need oil and gas for energyCalifornia's leaders need to set aside ideology and admit that in the near term, the state still needs fossil fuels to prevent blackouts.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2EHLjQd

Trump losing military support in election: poll

Trump losing military support in election: pollJust 37.4 percent of active personnel in the US military support President Donald Trump's re-election, while 43.1 percent back his Democratic opponent Joe Biden, according to a new poll Monday.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/3hMbiVk

Worth the wait: Yellowstone’s Giantess Geyser erupts for first time in six years

Worth the wait: Yellowstone’s Giantess Geyser erupts for first time in six yearsGiantess is one of the biggest geysers in the national park, and typically explodes between twice and six times a year In these troubled times there comes a point where we all need to let off steam.For this huge geyser in Yellowstone park, the moment was now and the eruption was spectacular, after a six-year wait.But, for the rest of us, watching this natural phenomenon is strangely meditative and beautifully distracting from much of the bad news around, despite the violent geothermal forces propelling it.Giantess Geyser spouted for the first time in more than six years in Yellowstone National Park, which straddles part of Wyoming and a little of Montana, on 25 August, according to the US National Park Service (NPS).“She” has more typically erupted between twice and six times a year in the past, according to the NPS website, and blasts a spout up to 200ft high.“The surrounding area may shake from underground steam explosions just before the initial water and/or steam eruptions,” the NPS website adds.Giantess is one of the biggest geysers in the park, alongside phenomena such as the super-tall Steamboat geyser, the largest active geyser in the world, and the park’s most famous, Old Faithful, renowned for its punctual regularity as it soars from the ground about 20 times a day.Colorful hot spring features in the park include the blue-hued Morning Glory Pool and the psychedelic Grand Prismatic spring, as well as whiffy, sulfurous bubblers and roiling natural pots of scalding hot water fizzing out of the rocks.The features are among more than 10,000 hot springs and geysers in the park, a Unesco world heritage site.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/34NyX3W

Black Lives Matter is just tip of iceberg. Economic gain, worker protections, voting also key

Black Lives Matter is just tip of iceberg. Economic gain, worker protections, voting also key'My work is about uprooting structural racism from every aspect of our society — our economy, our government and our communities.'

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/3gDBf88

Biden on protests: ‘These are not images of some imagined Joe Biden America in the future, these are images of Donald Trump’s America today’

Biden on protests: ‘These are not images of some imagined Joe Biden America in the future, these are images of Donald Trump’s America today’Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on Monday challenged the Republican talking point that people will not be safe in the United States with Biden as president.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/3gJ7cMj

Indiana Congressman introduces bill to ban protest 'thugs' from receiving unemployment aid

Indiana Congressman introduces bill to ban protest 'thugs' from receiving unemployment aidU.S. Rep. Jim Banks introduced a bill that would ban people from receiving unemployment aid if convicted of a federal offense related to protests.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/3lC00p5

Trump intel officials announce they will no longer offer Democrats election security briefings

Trump intel officials announce they will no longer offer Democrats election security briefingsDemocrats condemn "shocking abdication" of responsibility as intelligence officials scale back

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2YR6Soz

An LA teacher said she and her daughter had to flee their home after she received threats for wearing a Black Lives Matter t-shirt to class

An LA teacher said she and her daughter had to flee their home after she received threats for wearing a Black Lives Matter t-shirt to classOn the first day of school, the English teacher in Los Angeles wore a shirt that read, "I can't breathe," a message associated with the BLM movement.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2QDwGAa

Cuomo says state considering indoor dining in NYC, but

Cuomo says state considering indoor dining in NYC, but Despite progress in New Jersey and other parts of New York, indoor dining in New York City may not happen any time soon, Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio suggested on Monday.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/32Ij4sX

Swift Boat mastermind to launch massive super PAC to boost Trump

Swift Boat mastermind to launch massive super PAC to boost TrumpThe late effort, expected to include some of the party's biggest givers, comes as Trump has been overwhelmed by Joe Biden on TV.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2QGHkWY

Hawaii to require visitors to fill out online 'Safe Travels' form before travel

Hawaii to require visitors to fill out online 'Safe Travels' form before travelBeginning Tuesday, Hawaii will require all visitors to fill out a "Safe Travels" application, including health and contact information, before travel.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/3lxSRWx

U.S. Senate's McConnell eyes revamped coronavirus relief bill, Mnuchin tells Fox Business

U.S. Senate's McConnell eyes revamped coronavirus relief bill, Mnuchin tells Fox BusinessThe Trump administration and Senate Republicans have been in regular contact over possible coronavirus relief measures and the Senate's top Republican will "hopefully" unveil a new bill next week, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Monday. Asked about the collapse of talks with Democrats over aid legislation, Mnuchin told Fox Business Network that he and White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows have been speaking regularly with Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/31KxmtS

Rival powers jockey for the lead in hypersonic aircraft

The US, China and Russia are pouring money into aircraft that can fly at five times the speed of sound.

from BBC News - Technology https://ift.tt/3lzayFi

Protests erupt at Portland police building, mayor's condo

Protests erupt at Portland police building, mayor's condoFires set outside a police union building that's a frequent site for protests in Portland, Oregon, prompted police to declare a riot early Saturday and detain several demonstrators. An accelerant was used to ignite a mattress and other debris that was laid against the door of the Portland Police Association building, police said in a statement. As officers approached to move demonstrators away from the building and extinguish the fire, objects including rocks were thrown at them, police said.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/32BcNiD

China restaurant collapses during birthday party, killing 29

China restaurant collapses during birthday party, killing 29Rescue efforts ended at a two-story restaurant in a northern Chinese village that collapsed during a local resident's 80th birthday celebration, leaving 29 people dead, authorities said Sunday. The Ministry of Emergency Management said another 28 people were injured, seven of them seriously, when the building suddenly crumbled on Saturday. Hundreds of rescue workers using sniffer dogs, cranes and high-tech sensors had searched the rubble, lifting slabs of concrete in hopes of freeing survivors.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/31GlqcI

"His politics are appalling": Steve Mnuchin's family speaks out in disgust over his fealty to Trump

"His politics are appalling": Steve Mnuchin's family speaks out in disgust over his fealty to TrumpHis family has not only criticized him but publically accused him of racism

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/3b9jTii

Op-Ed: Kamala Harris' vice presidential run is a campaign to be America's second Black president

Op-Ed: Kamala Harris' vice presidential run is a campaign to be America's second Black presidentBlack grievances put Harris on the ticket; her's is the face of leadership the country is demanding now.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/3gIoklp

Mauritius fishermen battle to save dozens of dolphins near oil spill

Mauritius fishermen battle to save dozens of dolphins near oil spillYasfeer Heenaye, a fisherman near Pointe aux Feuilles on the island's eastern shore, said he had counted at least 45 dead dolphins since they were first discovered on Wednesday, and said half a dozen more dolphins were in the bay fighting for their lives. "The preliminary autopsy report has excluded that oil played a role, however we sent some samples of the dead dolphins to La Reunion to determine why the animals couldn't swim and their radar wasn't functioning," Jasvin Sok Appadu from the Fisheries Ministry said on Sunday .

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2QB6PbU

Ghislaine Maxwell reportedly allowed in person legal visit despite coronavirus lockdown

Ghislaine Maxwell reportedly allowed in person legal visit despite coronavirus lockdownGhislaine Maxwell has reportedly been allowed an in-person visit by her legal team in what is believed to be the first permitted in a New York City federal jail during the pandemic lockdown. According to the New York Daily News, Maxwell, who is facing six criminal charges, was allowed to hold a face to face meeting at Sunset Park’s Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn on Friday morning. All involved reportedly wore masks during the meeting. Other inmates, who have been in lockdown since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, have had neither family, nor legal visits. Maxwell has been held on remand for less than two months. “I’m incredulous really that she was the first one when there are those of us who have been waiting for nearly six months to have an in-person visit with our clients,” Susan Marcus, a lawyer representing detainees in the centre, told the paper.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/32TkC3F

Price of plastic carrier bags to double to 10p next year

The fee for single-use bags will rise to 10p and be extended to all shops from April 2021.

from BBC News - Business https://ift.tt/3gDVWRf

Norway bunker partygoers poisoned with carbon monoxide

More than 20 people were hospitalised after attending the party in the Norwegian capital Oslo.

from BBC News - World https://ift.tt/3lyzLje

Eat Out to Help Out discount comes to an end

The government's dining discount scheme ends on Monday, but there are calls for it to be extended.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/32DNxbN

Government paid influencers to promote Test and Trace

Taxpayer money was used to pay influencers to promote Test and Trace.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/3bdp94k

Mauritius oil spill: 'We want to protect our island'

Young locals are helping to prevent environmental damage after an oil leak from a ship that ran aground.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/2QEtapm

Fact check: Biden tax plan would raise rates for those who make more than $400K, corporations

Fact check: Biden tax plan would raise rates for those who make more than $400K, corporationsThe claim that families who make $75,000 would see their tax rate double under the Democratic nominee's plan is false.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2ExzNr7

In Colorado town, the post office delivers much more than the mail

In Colorado town, the post office delivers much more than the mailLeadville, Colo., has no car dealership, no Walmart, no department store and no dependable internet service. The post office fills important gaps.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2D9XvJ0

Mom rips gun and shoe from man accused of kidnapping her 1-year-old, Georgia cops say

Mom rips gun and shoe from man accused of kidnapping her 1-year-old, Georgia cops sayThe child has since been found safe, officials say.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2QQGo2p

Trump retweeted a message from the far-right OAN network calling anti-racism protests an attempted 'coup'

Trump retweeted a message from the far-right OAN network calling anti-racism protests an attempted 'coup'The president has been accused of exploiting fear for political gain, and refusing to address the legitimate concerns that have led many to protest.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2EwSECF

New Jersey mayor rescinds $2,500 police overtime bill sent to student who organized BLM protest

New Jersey mayor rescinds $2,500 police overtime bill sent to student who organized BLM protestAfter holding the protest in July, Emily Gil received a letter from Mayor Mario Kranjac saying she owed $2,499.26 for police overtime.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2YLVlHe

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may have a lot to do with Joe Kennedy's primary struggles

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may have a lot to do with Joe Kennedy's primary strugglesRep. Joe Kennedy III (D-Mass.) could soon be out of politics, and an unlikely colleague may have something to do with it, Politico reports.Kennedy is challenging Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) in the statewide Democratic primary for Markey's seat, which he's held since 2013. Politico notes that Kennedy tries to hit the 74-year-old Markey by criticizing his support for the 1994 crime bill and the Iraq War when he was in the House, both of which would seemingly put him in trouble with the progressive left. But the incumbent has maintained a lead over his 39-year-old challenger in large part thanks to an army of young voters, who, with a push from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), view Markey as key to the climate change movement.Mary Ann Marsh, a Boston-based Democratic consultant, told Politico that Ocasio-Cortez, the Sunrise Movement, and Justice Democrats have "allowed this remarkable makeover" of the veteran lawmaker who has been in Congress for 44 years, turning him into the "darling of the climate change warriors." Without Ocasio-Cortez, she said, "I think it would've been a much harder effort to make him into the Ed Markey people see in this race, which is very different from the Ed Markey people in Massachusetts have seen in 44 years." Read more at Politico.More stories from theweek.com 5 more scathingly funny cartoons about the Republican National Convention Air travel in the coronavirus era Biden's latest ad puts Trump's weirdest moments and empty rallies to a Bad Bunny song

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/32BHxQN

Dramatic last-second launch abort grounds spy satellite

Dramatic last-second launch abort grounds spy satelliteThe "hot-fire abort" derailed plans for three launches in just two days from Florida's Space Coast.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2GbvfqH

Sex workers blame Bella Thorne for changes at OnlyFans that harm their income

Sex workers blame Bella Thorne for changes at OnlyFans that harm their incomeThe content subscription platform said its new transaction rules were not due to one user and will "continue to review these limits" amid the backlash.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/3ju6Pah

Hong Kong's pro-democracy camp is resisting the city's universal coronavirus testing plan

Hong Kong's pro-democracy camp is resisting the city's universal coronavirus testing planPro-democracy activists, including a health care workers union, in Hong Kong on Sunday called for a boycott of the city's universal coronavirus testing plan, Reuters reports.The opposition is not unconcerned with the virus, but is instead worried by the fact that medical staff from mainland China are supposed to assist with carrying out the plan at a time when many Hong Kong residents believe Beijing is stripping away their freedoms and enhancing its already strong grasp on the city, especially after the passing of a controversial national security law earlier this year and the postponement of September's legislative elections.The union, the Hospital Authority Employees Alliance, was formed during last year's pro-democracy protests and has 20,000 members. It believes universal testing is not an efficient use of resources, arguing that focused testing is the better play for Hong Kong at this point during the pandemic, prompting suspicions about ulterior motives. Union leader Winnie Yu said it's "clear to see the government has one and only one goal," which is "to use the pandemic to achieve their own political aims" of doing "whatever they can to please the central government of China."Well-known activist Joshua Wong supports the boycott and agreed that the government's plan is faulty. Per Reuters, Wong believes a full border closure would be more effective.Neither the Beijing-backed city government, nor the Chinese Communist Party, took the criticism well. Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam said it's an attempt to "smear the central government," while Chinese state media considers the critics ungrateful. Read more at Reuters.More stories from theweek.com 5 more scathingly funny cartoons about the Republican National Convention Air travel in the coronavirus era Biden's latest ad puts Trump's weirdest moments and empty rallies to a Bad Bunny song

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/32xTK8Q

Government paid influencers to promote Test and Trace

Taxpayer money was used to pay influencers to promote Test and Trace.

from BBC News - Business https://ift.tt/3bdp94k

Government paid influencers to promote Test and Trace

Taxpayer money was used to pay influencers to promote Test and Trace.

from BBC News - Technology https://ift.tt/3bdp94k

The search engine boss who wants to help us all plant trees

Christian Kroll is the boss of Ecosia, which donates 80% of its profits to tree-planting projects.

from BBC News - Technology https://ift.tt/2YPoIZg

Virtually the Best: Kids’ Furniture for an A+ Home-Learning Setup

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/34FYkEK

Right-wing extremists far greater threat than antifa, says former DHS senior official

Right-wing extremists far greater threat than antifa, says former DHS senior officialElizabeth Neumann, former Assistant Secretary for Threat Prevention and Security Policy at the Department of Homeland Security, tells Yahoo News Editor in Chief Daniel Klaidman and Chief Investigative Correspondent Michael Isikoff that right-wing extremists pose a far greater threat to national security than antifa. According to Neumann, during her time in the Trump administration, she regularly received briefings on right-wing threats but says, "Nobody ever once told me: You know who we gotta watch out for? That antifa."

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/32JmAn8

26 children — one as young as 3 — rescued in Georgia sex trafficking sting, feds say

26 children — one as young as 3 — rescued in Georgia sex trafficking sting, feds say“Operation Not Forgotten” helped locate nearly 40 missing kids.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2EMsPhG

Trump: Police who escorted Rand Paul after RNC should receive a 'medal of some kind'

Trump: Police who escorted Rand Paul after RNC should receive a 'medal of some kind'Speaking to a crowd in Manchester, New Hampshire, President Donald Trump said Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul "walked out to a bunch of thugs" Thursday.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/34IDXH0

Map: State-by-state breakdown of coronavirus travel restrictions

Map: State-by-state breakdown of coronavirus travel restrictionsU.S. states and territories are making new rules for travelers. Find which ones across the United States have implemented travel restrictions to curb the spread of COVID-19.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/3ixqsxO

Riot in Sweden after anti-Muslim Danish leader banned

Riot in Sweden after anti-Muslim Danish leader bannedAt least 10 people were arrested, and several police officers injured, in violence which broke out in southern Sweden after an anti-Muslim Danish politician was blocked from attending a Koran-burning rally, police said Saturday.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/3gHbVyb

Trump accidentally says the U.S. 'pioneered the fatality rate' — among other verbal slips

Trump accidentally says the U.S. 'pioneered the fatality rate' — among other verbal slipsWhen you speak for an hour and 10 minutes, you're bound to make a flub or two, and President Trump made a few notable ones during his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention.At the very beginning, Trump said he "profoundly" accepted this nomination for president of the United States, rather than "proudly." At another point, he should have said "personal protective equipment," but just uttered "personal" before trailing off. However, one slip stood out above the rest.When talking about the coronavirus pandemic, which has left at least 180,000 Americans dead, Trump was supposed to say, "Thanks to advances we have pioneered, the fatality rate has been reduced by 80 percent since April." Instead, Trump said, "Thanks to advances, we have pioneered the fatality rate." Whoops. > President Trump: "Thanks to advances, we have pioneered the fatality rate" pic.twitter.com/FOf6oBZRlH> > -- Tyler Buchanan (@Tylerjoelb) August 28, 2020More stories from theweek.com Trump's RNC polling bounce more about 'subtraction on the Biden side,' pollster suggests 5 more scathingly funny cartoons about the Republican National Convention Biden's latest ad puts Trump's weirdest moments and empty rallies to a Bad Bunny song

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2QD9PEF

Twitter forces Ann Coulter to delete tweet fêting alleged Kenosha shooter as ideal president

Twitter forces Ann Coulter to delete tweet fêting alleged Kenosha shooter as ideal president"The tweet glorified violence, specifically condoning an act of violence that may be replicable by a civilian"

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/31xYDjc

New Jersey mayor rescinds $2,500 police overtime bill sent to student who organized BLM protest

New Jersey mayor rescinds $2,500 police overtime bill sent to student who organized BLM protestAfter holding the protest in July, Emily Gil received a letter from Mayor Mario Kranjac saying she owed $2,499.26 for police overtime.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2YLVlHe

Ann Dorn, whose husband was killed in St. Louis riots, backs Trump to 'shake this country from the nightmare we are witnessing in our cities'

Ann Dorn, whose husband was killed in St. Louis riots, backs Trump to 'shake this country from the nightmare we are witnessing in our cities'Ann Dorn, the widow of a retired St. Louis police captain who was fatally shot by looters in June amid unrest following the death of George Floyd,  condemned violent protesters while praising President Trump for offering “federal help to restore order in our communities.”

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/3hB51f5

Louisiana avoided Laura's 'wall of water'? Not so, says forecaster

Louisiana avoided Laura's 'wall of water'? Not so, says forecasterThe highest surge hit about 15 miles east of where Laura was forecast to make landfall but it "wobbled" at the last moment. Most U.S. media played up a nine-foot surge recorded by a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration observation station near Cameron, Louisiana, and the NHC was criticized for perhaps raising too much alarm.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/3b5eqsG

Jacob Blake’s Dad: Cops Shot My Son, High-Fived Kyle Rittenhouse

Jacob Blake’s Dad: Cops Shot My Son, High-Fived Kyle RittenhouseJacob Blake’s father has questioned the drastically different treatment his son received at the hands of Wisconsin police compared to a white suspect accused of opening fire and killing two people who were protesting Blake’s shooting.Blake was shot seven times by Kenosha Police Department officers last Sunday evening as he got into a car with his family. The shooting sparked days of protests in the city and, on Wednesday night, two of those protesters were shot dead. The suspect has been named as white 17-year-old Blue Lives Matter fan Kyle Rittenhouse.Jacob Blake Sr. spoke to CNN’s New Day on Friday, and spoke of his fury at the difference in how the two men have been treated by Kenosha cops. Rittenhouse was filmed receiving water from police officers before the shooting, and the armed group he was with was told by one cop: “We appreciate you guys... We really do.”“It’s two justice systems,” said Blake’s dad. “That 17-year-old Caucasian shot and killed two people and blew another man’s arm off on his way back to Antioch, Illinois. He got to go home... They gave that guy water and a high-five. My son got ICU and paralyzed from the waist down. Those are the two justice systems right in front of you.”> JUST NOW: "He's a human being. He's not an animal. He's a human. But my son has not been afforded the rights of a human. He's not been treated like a human."@CNN exclusive with Jacob Blake Sr. on @NewDay right now.pic.twitter.com/pXpDHg8TWY https://t.co/CHtPJzi521> > — John Berman (@JohnBerman) August 28, 2020Blake Sr. also described the heartbreaking conversations he’s now been forced to have with his grandchildren, saying: “They’ve said ‘Papa, why did they shoot my daddy in the back? Where’s Daddy?’ They want their father because he was part of their life every day. He’s a person. He’s a human being. He’s not an animal. He’s a human—but my son has not been afforded the rights of a human.”Blake went on: “Sometimes you get a little angry. Sometimes more than a little angry. Because we’ve been going through this so long.”In a separate development Friday morning, Wisconsin’s Department of Justice gave more details on the moments leading up to Blake’s shooting and named two more of the involved officers. In its news release, the DOJ said Officers Vincent Arenas and Brittany Meronek were alongside Officer Rusten Sheskey, who shot Blake. The statement also said that Blake was tased twice before being shot.17-Year-Old ‘Blue Lives Matter’ Fanatic Charged With Murder at Kenosha ProtestThe DOJ said officers were dispatched to the scene after a “female caller reported that her boyfriend was present and was not supposed to be on the premises.” It went on to say Sheskey “deployed a taser to attempt to stop” Blake, followed by another tasing attempt from Arenas, but neither shot incapacitated him. The department states that, when Blake approached his car after allegedly admitting he had a knife, Sheskey fired into Blake’s back seven times.Blake’s father has said the shots left his son paralyzed from the waist down, and said Thursday that, when he visited his son in hospital on Wednesday, he found him handcuffed to the bed.Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

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German police halt march of 18,000 coronavirus sceptics in Berlin after

German police halt march of 18,000 coronavirus sceptics in Berlin afterGerman police Saturday halted a march by some 18,000 coronavirus sceptics in Berlin because many were not respecting social distancing measures. The mass protest against pandemic restrictions had been allowed to go ahead after a bitter legal battle. But it had barely begun at 9am GMT at the city's iconic Brandenburg Gate, when it was forced to stop due to a police injunction. "The minimum distancing is not being respected by most (of the demonstrators) despite repeated requests," the police said. "There is no other option than to break up the gathering." After the announcement, the demonstrators shouted "Resistance" and "We are the people," a slogan often used by the far-right, and sang the German national anthem. Police had vowed to turn out in force and strictly monitor compliance with mask-wearing and social distancing at the protest. Berlin police chief Barbara Slowik had warned that if the demonstrators did not adhere to virus safety rules, police would clear the area "very quickly". "We will not be able or willing to watch tens of thousands assemble and create infection risks," she added. Berlin city authorities had previously decided not to allow the Saturday demonstration to go ahead, fearing that the estimated 22,000 protesters would not keep a distance of 1.5 metres (five feet) apart or comply with face mask requirements. The ban sparked outrage from organisers and their supporters who flooded social media with angry messages vowing to protest anyway, with some even calling for violence. But on the eve of the demo, Berlin's administrative court sided with the demonstrators, saying there was no indication that organisers would "deliberately ignore" social distancing rules and endanger public health.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2D8LAew

Fox News anchor Chris Wallace slams colleagues for appearing to rationalize 17-year-old charged in Kenosha shooting: 'There is no justification'

Fox News anchor Chris Wallace slams colleagues for appearing to rationalize 17-year-old charged in Kenosha shooting: 'There is no justification'The veteran Fox News host said he didn't think it was right for vigilante justice to "fill the void" of police presence at protests.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2Ewns6c

Biden, aiming at Trump, says he won't use military as 'prop'

Biden, aiming at Trump, says he won't use military as 'prop'Joe Biden said on Saturday that as president, he would never use the military “as a prop or private militia” and accused President Donald Trump of employing U.S. forces to settle “personal vendettas" and violate citizens' rights. The Democratic presidential nominee, in a virtual address to the National Guard Association of the United States' general conference, said Trump recommended "that you should be deployed to quote, ‘dominate,’ your fellow citizens for exercising their right to peacefully protest.” “We’re so much better than this," Biden said.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/3js3GHX

What we know about the career of the officer who shot Jacob Blake

What we know about the career of the officer who shot Jacob BlakeRusten Sheskey said in an August 2019 interview that what he likes most about police work "is that you're dealing with people on perhaps the worst day of their lives and you can try and help them."

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Iranian man sentenced to nine years in prison for beheading daughter while she slept in 'honour killing'

Iranian man sentenced to nine years in prison for beheading daughter while she slept in 'honour killing'An Iranian has been sentenced to nine years in jail for beheading his teenaged daughter in her sleep, local media reported Friday, adding that the mother wants him executed. The so-called "honour" killing of 14-year-old Romina Ashrafi on May 21 sparked widespread outrage, with media condemning "institutionalised violence" in the Islamic republic. Media said Romina was decapitated at the family home in the village of Talesh in the northern province of Gilan. "Despite the judicial authorities' insistence on a 'special handling' of the case, the verdict has terrified me and my family," Rana Dashti, the mother, told ILNA news agency. "I don't want my husband to return to our village ever again," she said, calling for the verdict to be reviewed and changed to "execution". Having lived with the man for 15 years, Dashti said she now fears for the life of the rest of her family. Ebtekar newspaper said at the time of Romina's killing that Iran's "eye for an eye" retributive justice does not apply to a father who kills his child, for which the customary sentence is jail time and fines. Iran's President Hassan Rouhani has "expressed his regrets" following the girl's killing and called for the speedy passing of several anti-violence bills. Romina had reportedly run away after the father refused to give permission for her to marry a man 15 years her senior. But she was detained by authorities and taken home, despite having pleaded with a judge that she feared for her life if returned. The man she wanted to marry, Bahman Khavari, was sentenced to two years in prison, local media said, without specifying the charge. The legal age of marriage for women in Iran is 13.

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Arrest made after firefighter’s wallet stolen as he battled wildfires, CA officials say

Arrest made after firefighter’s wallet stolen as he battled wildfires, CA officials sayThe thief drained the bank account of the firefighter after the wallet was lifted from his vehicle. officials said.

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Report: New York tenants were not aware they would be featured at the Republican National Convention

Report: New York tenants were not aware they would be featured at the Republican National ConventionThe tenants were interviewed by a HUD official, they said. The RNC was criticized for blurring the lines between the government and partisan politics.

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Biden buys ‘Keep America Great’ domain name and dedicates it to criticising Trump

Biden buys ‘Keep America Great’ domain name and dedicates it to criticising TrumpThe Biden campaign has acquired the web domain KeepAmericaGreat.com and has dedicated the site to criticising president Donald Trump‘s policies and handling of the coronavirus pandemic.When Mr Trump launched his reelection campaign for the 2020 presidential election last year, he revealed “Keep America Great” as its official slogan, following on from his 2016 phrase, “Make America Great Again.”

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/3jsMthG

Byron Allen’s $10 billion racial discrimination lawsuit against Charter Communications allowed to proceed

Byron Allen’s $10 billion racial discrimination lawsuit against Charter Communications allowed to proceedByron Allen‘s $10 billion racial discrimination lawsuit filed against Charter Communications will proceed after a district court judge ruled in his favor in a motion to dismiss. Allen’s Entertainment Studios Networks, Inc., which is the parent company of theGrio, announced on Friday that Federal District Court Judge George H. Wu once again denied Charter Communications’ motion to dismiss the suit in which Allen accused the cable company of violating the Civil Rights Act of 1866. Judge Wu had previously ruled in Allen’s favor back in October 2016, which Charter later appealed.

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‘Cat-sized’ rats taking over Dupont Circle apartment building, tenants say

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